Monday, October 31, 2011

Blog Radio Interview......

Your Invited!!
Listen to Pete live on Blog Radio, Tuesday Night 7pm EST November 1st on the Jay Earley Show.
Hear Jay and I discuss how to help people understand that they are born with the "Power inside Them" to make all their Dreams come true and realize by changing their mindset and feeding their brains with positive food for thought on a daily basis, they can BE, DO or HAVE anything they want in life.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

From a Newbie's Perspective.........

Visualfestation! Oct 5, 2011
To me Visualization is a new concept. I have never taken the process into my everyday life. I enjoyed the practical approach that Pete Adams took in applying Visualfestation. As a newbie this was a very straight forward book which enhanced my understanding and made me want to read more and learn more about Visualfestation. I have looked back on my life at certain events and realized that what just occurred to me was something I thought about often in the past. I had passed these events off as random chance. Now I have a different sense. I recommend this book to anyone interested in looking a little deeper into their lives. Thank you Mr. Adams!
Stephen Atwood, Colorado