Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stealth Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are beliefs that are accepted as “truths” in our conscious or sub-conscious minds which act as blocking mechanisms to our success.  If you believe something which is false as being true, it will be true in your life, even though it is completely false.  Often times these false beliefs are imposed on people in their childhood, and they can be enormously detrimental to your life if you continue to believe in them. When you work on setting your goals, be aware of any little “voices” you hear which are negative or disempowering.  These are usually strong indicators that you have some faulty beliefs that need to be brought to light and reprogrammed.  Remember that any belief that does not serve to support your success needs to be purged from your being. Sometimes we have other limiting beliefs which I like to call “stealth” limiting beliefs.  These are limiting beliefs which we take for granted because someone in authority told us it was the truth.  I have a great example of what became a limiting belief for me, which came to me from a person in authority who did not know what he was talking about.  Back when I was a Private in the US Army Reserve with an Infantry unit, I was on post at Ft. Devens MA and I saw that there was a Reserve Component Special Forces Unit (11th Special Forces Group ABN).  I asked the Sergeant First Class how I would go about getting into that unit, and he told me that the only way to get in to the 11th Group Special Forces was to first be on active duty with the 10th Group Special Forces, which is on the same post. After hearing that I never even looked into trying to get in to the 11th Special Forces Group, because I “knew” you couldn’t get in because that is what the Sergeant had told me.  Right? “WRONG!!”  The Sergeant was completely WRONG; I didn’t realize it until 8 years later when I met a Special Forces Sergeant while attending Mountain Warfare School.  The Sergeant was in a National Guard Special Forces Unit, and when I asked him what Special Forces Group he served with on Active Duty, he said that he hadn’t and that he had gone straight through Special Forces training as a member of the Nation Guard. I could not believe it!  Here I had wasted 8 years of not being in Special Forces based on someone else’s incorrect information which I believed to be true without question!  The Sergeant said that his unit was always looking for people and that there was a unit near where I lived at the time. Here’s a picture that I took while in my parachute when I was with the Long Range Surveillance (ABN) unit.  Please do NOT believe everything you've heard.  Chances are some of it is simply false.  STOP holding on to any beliefs that seem to be getting in the way and Live the Life of your Dreams !!      

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