Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Here’s an amazing story that I want to share with everyone.  The other night I was being interviewed by Darien Marshall on their “It is All About You” radio show.  After the interview was over, Darien and I spoke on the phone and talked more about our experiences with creative visualization and manifestation.
I came to find out that Darien had needed an organ transplant nine years earlier.  He was finally put on the organ recipients list.  Darien was very excited about getting on the list and he told his Doctor so.  The Doctor’s response to Darien was that he “should not get his hopes up“and that it could be years before a donor organ could be found.

Darien did not listen to what his Doctor said.  Instead he began immediately to work on gratitude for receiving the new organ for his body, and he would practice a visualization exercise where he would see himself heading to the hospital, getting prepped for surgery, and then seeing the surgeon putting the final stitches in his body completing the successful surgery.

After only 14 days after getting on the list, a suitable replacement organ was found, and Darien has been enjoying wonderful health since the operation nine years ago.  Darien heard what the Doctor said, but he KNEW better than to believe him.  Instead he chose to believe in his faith, and the results speak for themselves.

Please share this wonderful message with anyone who may be hearing negative news.  They can hear it, but DO NOT LET THEM BELIEVE IT. 

Blessings to you all,


Friday, June 1, 2012

"As If"

“As If…” is the title of the second to last chapter of my book VisualFestation.  In that chapter, I talk about the importance of getting into the feeling of having your goal, as it already being accomplished.  

The other day, while driving home from the beach, I saw a heavy set-guy with long hair who was wearing jeans, heavy black boots, and a wallet in his back pocket with a chain securing it to his belt, and a black leather vest with a large patch on the back with the words “Born To Ride”.

Really, he looked exactly like so many of the “Bikers” here in the United States who are Harley-Davidson enthusiasts. But there was just one small difference…
This guy was cruising along the beach on a small gas powered scooter. 

 As I watched him weave in and out of traffic, I realized, in his mind, he was totally riding his “Harley” with the wind in his face and really taking-in the moment. This was such a great display of what I mean by acting “As If”…it was simply PERFECT. 

I doubt he’s read my book but it doesn’t matter; his new bike is definitely on its way to him! And soon, he’ll be cruising on his Harley, and it will feel as if he’s had it the whole time.

Trust me, IT WORKS!
