Monday, January 23, 2012

Lost Harvest & Food to Feed Our Neighbors

Hey Everyone, one of our Clients is doing work with a food bank located in Arizona.  Right now 50 million pounds of produce worth around $100 million dollars is being thrown away because no one is there to take it.

Mercy Food Distribution can provide truckloads of produce for food banks and food drives for just the cost of shipping and handling.  They said we could get roughly 35,000 lbs, which is $70,000 worth of produce delivered by truck to Florida for around $10,000.  Two or more groups could split the cost and the produce between them.

The cost is lower the closer you get to Arizona.  Please watch the following video which shows tons of good produce being sent to the landfill.

After seeing the video, I knew I had to do something.  I am contacting the local churches in our area to tell them about this amazing opportunity to get produce to feed the hungry.  Please share this information with the churches and organizations in your community which could benefit. 

They have also come up with some simple strategies for doing local fundraising so that the food drives would pay for themselves on an ongoing basis. 
Helping others sends out a wonderful energy to the Universe, and it will bring blessings back to you.

Please visit their web site to learn more.

Mercy Food Distribution Program

Thank you all for caring and sharing this information.

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